Saint Lucia: Politician Jeremiah Norbert emphasises passion and progress

Jeremiah Norbert, the politician of Saint Lucia, shared his weekly experience with the general public of the nation.

23rd of August 2023

Saint Lucia: Politician Jeremiah Norbert emphasises passion and progress || Picture Courtesy: Jeremiah Norbert

Castries, Saint Lucia: Jeremiah Norbert, the politician of Saint Lucia, shared his weekly experience with the general public of the nation. In this regard, he emphasised, “Love what you do and do what you love.”

On the morning of August 22, 2023, he went to his constituency without any specific intention, and he found himself enjoying the company of so many people, he informed through the social media post.

“First, I visited the Micoud ICT Centre and engaged the workers and students who were present. The staff took the opportunity to highlight some of their concerns with the Centre, and fortunately, I was in a position to start addressing them right away,” he noted.

Politician Norbert further noted he then drove to the bay area, where he met several of the Fishermen. He profited from the opportunity to apprise them of the strides they have made in terms of the Jetty, and he informed them that works would commence on the Bathroom facility at the end of September.

“I also told them of the plans to employ at least fifteen (15) people in the coming weeks for at least six weeks in the first instance to help mitigate against the heavy influx of sargassum,” he noted.

According to the update, after he left the bay, he went to the “Block” by Ms Anto, and the boys on the block invited him to have a drink with them. He could not resist the opportunity to sit and speak with them and to hear about some of the things which they would like to see. From the conversation with them, he can say that he feels very encouraged about the things to come.

“Next, I went to the Dèpwente road in Mahaut to see the progress of the construction which we recently started,” Norbert stated, adding, “I also visited some families who lost love ones recently to offer my condolences.”