Saint Lucia Ministry hosts safe sex workshop for youth development

The Ministry of Youth, Development and Sports of Saint Lucia hosted the Safe Sex Workshop on Thursday, 8th February, 2024. It is to be noted that workshop was conducted in collaboration with Saint Lucia Planned Parenthood Association and the Youth Advocacy Movement of the nation.

11th of February 2024

Safe sex education launched in Saint Lucia, know details. Picture Credits: Fb accounts

Saint Lucia: The Ministry of Youth, Development and Sports of Saint Lucia hosted the Safe Sex Workshop on Thursday, 8th February, 2024. It is to be noted that the workshop was conducted in collaboration with the Saint Lucia Planned Parenthood Association and the Youth Advocacy Movement of the nation.

Youth Advocacy Movement of Saint Lucia is a core group of youth who assist the Association in shaping adolescent sexual and reproductive health programmes that are relevant and responsive to the needs of today’s youth.

Notably, the main purpose of implementing the workshop was to provide important and relevant information to the youth of Saint Lucia about the several options available to them concerning sexual health.

It is a great initiative by the administration as it is very necessary to provide timely and accurate information to youth on sexual health. Sex Education will also play a pivotal role in preventing and controlling sexual abuse against children, sexual exploitation and sexual violence. More importantly, the workshop will also raise awareness about sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS.

Moreover, the workshop conducted by the government covered several topics, including human development, understanding of gender, sexual behaviour, reproductive health and safer sex practices.

Importance of Safe Sex Workshop

Such workshops guide the youth about good sexual health; they give them guidance on healthy relationships and also help them to take corrective actions and decisions about sex. Such knowledge also helps to lower the rates of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies and enhance the healthier relationships between individuals.

Furthermore, the nation’s youth actively participated in the workshop, and the government promised to continue with such initiatives to improve and develop youth health.

The government of the nation stated that such initiatives will not only promote good sexual health but also will break many taboos regarding sex and will enhance the knowledge among the youth.