Ten people die of COVID-19 in T&T in a single day

The corona death rates are increasing in Trinidad and Tobago

21st of May 2021

Ten people die of COVID-19 in T&T in a single day

The COVID-19 reports of 20th May have been released by the Ministry of Health of Trinidad and Tobago. This report shows that 6,998 persons have recovered from the COVID-19 virus till 20th May 2021. this report also indicates the inclining cases of deaths.

The total number of persons tested until now in public and private facilities has touched the figure of 162,262. The health ministry 558 crecorded ases in a single day and, on an average 465 new cases every week.

The new cases have added to the total count of 18,227 COVID-19 cases in the whole country since 2020. The active cases of COVID-19 in Trinidad & Tobago are 6,998 in number, while 412 patients are in the hospitals.

The death count is also reaching the peaks with 341 deaths due to the COVID-19. Additional ten deaths reported have been recorded, including two elderly males and five elderly females, one middle-aged male and one young adult male.

As per the health ministry’s data, 141 patients are in step down facilities, and 324 patients are in state-quarantine facilities, and 5,887 have self-quarantined themselves in the houses.

The vaccination drives are also being programmed with a motive for the herd immunity in the country”s citizen under which 61,806 persons have got their 1st dose of vaccine, and only 1,179 persons have got fully vaccinated by having injected their second doses of vaccine.

Trinidad and Tobago on Thursday after received 24,000 vaccination doses of AstraZeneca from the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines and Bermuda. The Government of Bermuda will donate 8,000 additional vaccines by next week.