PM Terrance Drew declares 2025 a 'Year of Recovery' with focus on renewable energy, agriculture and tourism

Dr Drew highlights 2024 Projects Aimed at Improving Quality of Life in St Kitts and Nevis.

2nd of January 2025

The Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Dr. Terrance Drew called, 2025 as a ‘year of recovery’ and aimed at investing in renewable energy, agriculture, tourism and the creative economy. He also highlighted about the projects undertaken by the Government in 2024 to improve the quality of life of citizens of St Kitts and Nevis. 

While extending greetings on the occasion of New Year 2025, PM Terrance Drew said, “I invite you to reflect on how far we have come and to embrace with open hearts the promise of the year ahead, a year we have boldly declared the year of recovery.” He reflected on the achievements of the last year and highlighted some crucial projects and initiatives implemented by the current government. 

St Kitts and Nevis invested $320,000,000 to support subsidies 

The Government of St Kitts and Nevis invested around $320,000,000 to support essential subsidies and social programs. Shedding light on this investment, PM Terrance Drew said that it is not just an investment in numbers but an investment in people. He added that they have subsidized fuel in order to cut down its prices at the pumps and homes, protecting citizens from inflation and providing a foundation for self-reliance and growth. 

LIFT Programme enhanced the lifestyle of citizens 

The Prime Minister also mentioned about the LIFT Programme, which was launched by the Government on 1st April, 2024. He added that LIFT is a Livelihood Improvement Family Transformation Programme which has played a huge role in addressing the rising threats of the cost of living and the international inflation crisis that are affecting all.  

PM Drew said that it has been designed with a vision to promote independence and assist individuals and families in realizing their full potential. He added that this programme is a testament to their commitment to empowering lives and transforming communities. 

Increase in Minimum Wages 

The Prime Minister also mentioned about increasing the minimum wages from $360.00 to $430.00 per week. He said that they are providing a fair and liveable wage, aiming to empower workforce allowing them to support themselves and their families without any financial hardship and insecurity. 

He also mentioned about the initiatives like the building materials and the VAT relief holiday, giving families the power to invest in their homes. PM Drew said that these projects highlights their commitment towards making life better for every citizen, worker and family. 

Major ongoing Capital Projects 

The Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew also shared the major capital projects, including JNF General Hospital, Basseterre High School and desalination plant, taken by the government with a vision to form the foundation of a new resilient economy. The Prime Minister highlighted about investing $50,000,000 in water desalination plant, aiming to provide 2,000,000 gallons of potable water daily, securing water access for generations to come.

He also highlighted about advancing critical road networks, improving connectivity and easing transportation across the island. The Prime Minister also mentioned about delivering the new JNF General Hospital, symbolizing a future where healthier in St Kitts and Nevis will be second to none.