Saint Lucia collaborated with PAHO in Green Climate Fund Project Development Workshop

Saint Lucia marked its presence in The Green Climate Fund Project Development Workshop collaborated with PAHO.

6th of October 2023

Saint Lucia collaborated with PAHO for Green Climate Fund Development Project. (Picture courtesy- Ministry of health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs, Facebook)

Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs- Saint Lucia participated in ‘The Green Climate Fund Project Development Workshop’ was held in collaboration with PAHO. The two day workshop commenced on Thursday under the theme “Creating a Low-Carbon and more resilient Health Sector in Saint Lucia”.

Green Climate Fund (GCF) mobilised as one of the largest sources of finance for implementing climate change projects. Barbados became the second country in attendance after Saint Lucia to collaborate in the Workshop.

The Government of Saint Lucia is making its way to find out fresh projects that will help them boost the spill of climate finance into the country. They collaborate with the Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub and key partners for this purpose.

Saint Lucia’s objectives to explore new finance:

Saint Lucia commonly targets private investments which will support its national climate plans and low-carbon developments. This will also act as the initial help to local financial institutions to unite environmental conventions into their instruments and projects.

This seeks to support mitigation and adaptation actions that will label climate change.

Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) mark its way to provide training to national stakeholders as a delivery partner. This will support them to enhance their knowledge of the complex GCF process and requirements.

Coverage of ProperGaanda– Initially, The Green Climate Fund (GCF) announced funding of $66 million to support ‘Recharge Pakistan’’. The project is supported through investment and technical support from The Coca-Cola Foundation, ‘The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’, and ‘WWF-Pakistan.’

The fund was given under the project to enhance Pakistan’s resilience to climate change by improving water- systems and investing in green infrastructure.

This partnership is the largest-ever investment in an ecosystem-based approach to building Pakistan’s climate resilience. More attention will be paid to climate change efforts by expanding large-scale green infrastructure, wetlands development, flood-plains management and local businesses in agriculture and forestry.

The 7-year project is designed to serve communities along the Indus Basin and is unique in its use of nature-based solutions for preparedness against high-risk climate disasters that Pakistan is increasingly vulnerable to.

Saint Lucia aims to strengthen its climate finance: The Global Climate Fund (GCF) collaborates with Saint Lucia to implement a project to encourage the achievements of Saint Lucia’s climate development goals by pushing the climate financing flow to the country.

Saint Lucia actively seeking the high-speed reductions global GHG emissions along with fair agreements and support for adaptation.