PM Drew recognizes 11 individuals for contributing in SKN Moves Initiative

Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew recognized eleven (11) exceptional individuals from the island for their contributions in SKN Moves Initiatives.

9th of December 2023

Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew with 11 individuals who received the honour of SKN Moves

Basseterre, St Kitts and Nevis: Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew recognized eleven (11) exceptional individuals from the island for their contributions in the SKN Moves Initiatives.

The award ceremony was held at the Solid Waste Management Corporation Conference Room on Thursday in St Kitts and Nevis.

Notably, this special awards event offered a platform to recognize and applaud individuals and business partners for their commendable contributions to the success of various activities and programs.

The SKN Moves 3rd Annual Awards Ceremony acknowledged the persons and institutions for their participation, and these programs were conducted under the SKN Moves initiatives such as,

– 10k Charity Health Run
– The In Ya Kitchen Junior Chef Competition
– The Healthy Business Challenge
– The SKN Moves 7-Week Campaign
– Dare to Change Challenge

It is to be noted that the SKN Moves initiatives act as a national program aimed at fostering healthier lifestyles and behaviours in all individuals in the Federation.

The all-inclusive goal of this Campaign is to strive for their highest levels of wellness and productivity ultimately.

Prime Minister Drew said, “This initiative is a vital component crafted under the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Program under the Ministry of Health in St Kitts and Nevis.”

PM Dr Terrance Drew while giving certificates
PM Dr Terrance Drew while giving certificates

PM addressed the gathering and stated, “Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) remain one of the leading causes of death in St Kitts and Nevis and also across the Caribbean region.”

He further said that the initiative, introduced by SKN Moves, would promote a healthy life and lifestyle that are of tremendous importance.

Dr Marissa Cary, Health Promotion Unit Coordinator in the Ministry of Health, lauded the initiative of SKN Moves as it has been performing as an exceptional transformation tool that has helped to improve the lives of many persons in the Federation since its inception.

SKN Moves
SKN Moves

Notably, PM Drew urged the citizens and residents to take their health seriously by consuming less sugary and salted foods and asked them to take part in more physical activities.

SKN Moves Initiative

This is a national programme that targets all individuals in the Federation to encourage them to adopt healthy lifestyles and behaviours to attain their highest levels of wellness and productivity.

Additionally, it was designed under the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases Programme in the St Kitts and Nevis Ministry of Health.