Malta: Deputy PM Chris Fearne invites elderly people to get second COVID booster dose

Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister of Malta- Chris Fearne announced the COVID-19 second booster dose for the elderly nationals.

13th of July 2022

Malta: Deputy PM Chris Fearne invites elderly people to get second COVID booster dose

Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister of Malta- Chris Fearne announced the COVID-19 second booster dose for the elderly nationals after receiving recommendations from health and medicine agencies regarding vaccines of the European Union.

Health Minister Chris Fearne stated that the government of Malta has decided to give a second booster dose against the COVID-19 pandemic to residents aged more than 65.

So, the residents who are in the age group of 60-65 will be able to get the booster dose. Depuy Prime Minister Ferane invited the people who are of the respective ages for the vaccination in the coming day.

“Following today’s ECDC/EMA Joint Statement, Malta will be offering the 2nd Covid #booster dose to residents aged 60+ – bringing the age down from 65. Residents in the 60 – 65 age group will receive an invite for vaccination in the coming days,” Deputy PM Chris Fearne tweeted.

As the infection has been surging in European, EU’s health and medicine agencies declared that elderly people should be taken their booster dose. The agency has already allowed taking a second booster or the fourth dose for people who are over 80 since April.

As per the Health Ministry of Malta, the country has recorded 7,764 active cases of COVID-19 in one day, while a total of 335 new infections were recorded. Three people have died from the virus, and no daily data is available about the hospital admissions with the viral infections.

The Health Sector of Malta has witnessed a significant boost and upliftment under the leadership of Chris Fearne. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation in the country has not entangled, and people get every possible health facility. Fearne has encouraged the people to get vaccinated with an efficient campaign of the doses against the COVID-19 pandemic.