Guyana: Women gets stabbed and robbed by ex-husband

A woman, identified as Nalinie Baichu of Guyana has claimed that her ex-husband has allegedly robbed and attacked her.

28th of December 2023

Women in Guyana gets stabbed and robbed by ex-husband. Picture Credits: Fb accounts

A woman, identified as Nalinie Baichu of Guyana, has claimed that her ex-husband has allegedly robbed and attacked her. This claim by Baichu was mentioned in her statement, which she has given to the police.

As per the information shared by the woman, her ex-husband is a taxi driver and stated that she and her ex-husband were separated a long time ago and have moved on in her life.

Notably, a few months back, the accused went to the workplace of the woman along with a cutlass to chop her. However, he was not able to get her so he chopped the woman’s car.

Baichu stated that she and the accused were presented before a magistrate at the court on the East Coast of Demerara, where her ex-husband was allowed to walk freely, as the court stated that the woman is fabricating lies to get the man arrested.

It was also mentioned by the woman that her ex-husband tried to contact her and said that he has moved on with his life, In his reply, she stated that she is happy to hear about that. She added that the man was still after her.

As per the details shared by Baichu, she stated that her ex-partner came to her apartment and robbed her. He took away the women’s chain and work phone. Not only this, she alleged that the taxi driver stabbed her with a screwdriver on her foot.

Baichu states that “I never wanted my story to go social but I can’t hold back anymore because this man thinks he own me but he doesn’t. I have moved on and I am happy.”

She also added that whatever they both had in the past was horrible and said that she would never go back to him as he has tortured her a lot.

Meanwhile, according to the screenshots of the chat messages sent by the taxi driver to Baichu, it looks like he has vowed to kill the woman and her new love interest.

Furthermore, the residents of Guyana expressed their sentiments adding that “they let him walk free so he can complete his mission according to this text messages.”