Premier Mark Brantley extends greetings on Good Friday

Premier of Nevis and Leader of Concerned Citizen’s Movement- Mark Brantley extended greetings on the Good Friday to all the people of the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis on Friday April 15, 2022.

16th of April 2022

Premier Mark Brantley extends greetings on Good Friday

St Kitts and Nevis: Premier of Nevis and Leader of Concerned Citizen’s Movement- Mark Brantley extended greetings on the Good Friday to all the people of the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis on Friday April 15, 2022.

He also outlined the great teachings of Jesus Christ and advised people to live in the way suggested by Christ.

While wishing citizens, Premier of Nevis Brantley, through his Facebook Post, expressed, “Blessed Good Friday to everyone.”

Premier further highlighted various aspects of Good Friday. He added, “May will use Good Friday for various engagements, but please take a moment today to reflect that Christ died so that we all could live.”

The leader of CCM stated that this is because of Jesus Christ that we are living our life happily. He also extended gratitude t the god to be always with the humans.

Premier Brantley noted, “We are all the beneficiaries of His unmerited grace and mercy!”

In addition to that, Premier Brantley also applauded the Brown Hill Management Group, which is preparing some lands in Brown Hill for an organic farm. The farm will facilitate them to grow fruits and vegetables to support the meals program for the elderly.

Lauding Brown Hill Group, Premier Brantley emphasized, “I am so proud of the Brown Hill Management Group whose members are out today. Good Friday is preparing some lands in Brown Hill for an organic farm where they will grow fruits and vegetables to support their meals programme for the elderly.”

He also joined the kite flying festival on the occasion of Good Friday. The photos shared by him on social media show a glimpse of Premier enjoying the kite flying.

“My cousin Gino is one of the artisans keeping the tradition of kite making alive in Nevis. The Flats sell-off,” underlined Brantley.