PM Terrance Drew appreciates agriculture sector’s progress toward 25 by 2025 agenda

Terrance Drew shared insights on the new farm equipment and the launch of a new hatchery.

6th of November 2024

PM Terrance Drew appreciates agriculture sector's progress toward 25 by 2025 agenda

The Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Dr. Terrance Drew acknowledged the continuous advancements being made in the agriculture sector of the island nation. He appreciated the Minister of Agriculture, Samal Duggins and other Ministers for their excellent work and for taking essential steps for progressing towards their 25 by 2025 agenda.

PM Terrance Drew shared insights on the new farm equipment and the launch of a new hatchery. He stated that these advancements in the agriculture department shed light on their commitment towards reducing food import bills by 25% by the year 2025.

The Prime Minister highlighted the constant support that St Kitts and Nevis has received from the Republic of China (Taiwan). He stated that this collaboration between Taiwan and the Government of St Kitts and Nevis has proved to be fruitful for the island nation as they have collaboratively made significant efforts in order to strengthen their local poultry industry.

“Agriculture is on its way forward. Thanks to the SKNLP government and Samal Duggins for the great work. Thanks to the Republic of China (Taiwan) for its strong collaboration,” noted PM Terrance Drew.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Marine Resources of St Kitts and Nevis officially commissioned the new Layer Chicken Hatchery on Thursday, 31st October, 2024. This is a part of the Layer Chicken Industry Sustainable Development Project, aimed at enhancing the local egg production.

As per the details, this project is also a part of the collaboration between both Taiwan and St Kitts and Nevis, aiming to establish a sustainable agricultural economy and elevate food security in the island nation.

Moreover, the Minister of Agriculture, Samal Duggins, shed light on these projects and stated they are commited to help St Kitts and Nevis build a sustainable and self-reliant agricultural sector.

He added that all these significant investments made by them emphasised on their commitment towards empowering their farmers and boosting the local food production. The Minister also mentioned about the purchase of brand new tractors and backhoe which will play a huge role in building a more resilient and self-sufficient St Kitts and Nevis.

Also, the Ministry of Agriculture secured brand new land preparation equipment for the first time in 7 years. Minister Duggins stated that all these advancements made by them align with their agenda of reducing imports by 25% by the year 2025.