SKNYPA Prez Mauriel Knight shares New Year message towards residents of St Kitts and Nevis

President of St Kitts National Youth Parliament Association (SKNYPA), Mauriel Knight, shared the New Year message towards each and every resident of St Kitts and Nevis.

3rd of January 2023

SKNYPA Prez Mauriel Knight shares New Year message towards residents of St Kitts and Nevis

St Kitts and Nevis: President of St Kitts National Youth Parliament Association (SKNYPA), Mauriel Knight, shared the New Year message towards each and every resident of St Kitts and Nevis.

In the message, President stated, “My fellow citizens, residents and youth. Before us lies a year filled with endless possibilities! It is often said, “Where there is life, there is hope!”

He further said, “Each of us has been spared for such a time as this; and, therefore, should use this gift of time to be of service. Gone is the year 2022, which for some was a year of celebrations and rejuvenation, while for others, it was one of many challenges and disappointments.”

As per the post, the New Year ahead is another opportunity to persevere and overcome. Let’s strive to make a positive impact on those around us and make patriotic contributions to the beloved Federation.

“As a youth, may we continue to play an active role in the agitation for the action and change in our land that we desire? A land of peace, hope, togetherness and devoid of violence and malice. This year, I implore all of us to give selflessly and to continue putting into practice our motto, “country above self.” he mentioned.

Howard Zinn provided great encouragement when he said, “Small actions, when performed by millions of people, can change the world.” Never take for granted the influence of a small act of kindness or the importance of giving to others.

The post added, “I charge us to make each day of 2023 one filled with kindness, service and generosity. Together, we can make a change and see greatness and prosperity abounding in our land.”

“On behalf of the St Kitts National Youth Parliament Association (SKNYPA), I wish each of you a Happy and Prosperous New Year! May God continue to bless us all and the Federation,” President’s message concluded.