Red Alert elevates due to new lava dome increase!
The visual observations of new lava dome growth located on the edge of the old lava dome from 1979, forming a crown on the dome’s rim. These reports are confirmed by the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) on 29 December 2020. An unrestrained outburst of the volcano is characterised with oozing lava and fumarolic movement.
31st of December 2020

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: The visual observations of new lava dome growth located on the edge of the old lava dome from 1979, forming a crown on the dome’s rim. These reports are confirmed by the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) on 29 December 2020. An unrestrained outburst of the volcano is characterised with oozing lava and fumarolic movement.
What history says?
The last outburst of volcano happened in 41-years ago as the series of explosive eruptions emitted the dome and was substituted with another. The alert level has been raised to ‘orange’ as an increment in the volcano’s seismic moment has been recorded too initially.
Reports say, ” Volcanic Hazard Map holds 4 Hazard Zones (Red Zone-Very High, Orange Zone-High, Yellow Zone-Moderate, Green Zone-Low) as can be observed in the picture. The warning bulletin declares that pyroclastic flows and lahars could strike a land area including marine and the danger zones, to prolong marine life.
The nature of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
The island of Saint Vincent has thickly wooded volcanic mountains flowing north-south and many short sudden currents. Though diverse, the streams are small except after massive rains. The soil of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is very fertile. It allows the natural agriculture of various vegetables and fruits and arrowroot, which is no longer a significant crop but is still developed in the northeastern part of the main island. Vegetation is varied, and there are several plants of striking brilliance. Transportation on the island of Saint Vincent is satisfactory. A road network runs along most of the coast from Chateaubelair in the northwest, down to the south coast, and back up to Fancy on the island’s northeastern side.
Massive rains can be sometimes dangerous for the locals. Coronavirus has been already a threat for population, and this terror is also petrifying many.
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