Nevis: Premier Brantley shares benefits, details on Apsaras Project

Mark Brantley, Premier of Nevis, on March 23, 2022, informed about the details as well as benefits of the Apsaras Project, announced on December 7, 2021.

24th of March 2022

Nevis: Premier Brantley shares benefits, details on Apsaras Project

St Kitts and Nevis: The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Aviation and Premier of Nevis, on March 23, 2022 (Wednesday), informed about the details as well as benefits of the Apsaras Project, announced on December 7, 2021.

The project was proposed in Budget debates in the Nevis Island Assembly.

The premier of Nevis, Brantley, mentioned that it is one of the major projects which focus on the direct investment post-pandemic.

“Apsaras project is one of several projects we hope to come on stream in this fiscal year as we seek to expand the local economy and attract greater foreign direct investment post-Covid,” Nevis Premier stated.

While outlining the welfare to be granted by this project, the Foreign Minister mentioned that this project would provide small and medium businesses with a boost to the relocation in Nevis.

Aviation Minister Brantley mentioned, “This project is designed to attract and house small and medium-sized businesses to relocate their operations to Nevis as we continue to attract investment, especially from Hong Kong and the wider Asian market. It is one of over 160 active construction sites currently on Nevis, including an unprecedented seven active housing developments by the Nevis Housing and Land Development Corporation as we witness an unprecedented construction boom post-Covid due to direct fiscal policy initiatives taken by the Cabinet of the NIA”.

During the Budget Address on December 7, 2021, Mark Brantley underscored some of the projects which have been proposed in the Council. While naming the project, Premier of Nevis stated, “We continue to incentivize a number of proposed and ongoing development projects, including the development of the Rest Heaven Property, the refurbishing and re-opening of the Nisbett Plantation Inn, the development of the land at Pinneys owned by NewFound, the development of the Wyndham Resort, the Apsara Science and Technology Park at Potworks, the Bush Hill Gardens development at Brown Hill, the Belmont Gardens development at Pinney’s, the One and Only Resort development at Indian Castle, the new global headquarters for Hamilton Reserve Bank at Barnes Ghaut, an entity to manufacture local beer, and the Nautilius Club Marina Development at Cades Bay.

It is intended that these proposed and ongoing developmental projects will come on stream during the next fiscal year.