National Housing Corporation hosted a grand opening of its new building

The National Housing Corporation of Saint Lucia hosted a ribbon- cutting ceremony of its new building.

8th of October 2023

NHC inaugurated its new building. (Picture courtesy- Google)

Castries, Saint Lucia: The National Housing Corporation (NHC) hosted an official opening of its new building on Friday, October 6, at 10 A.M on Chaussee Road, Castries.

In the event of the opening session, Richard Frederick- Minister for Housing and Local Government, said, “For the last 60 years, the NHC has had no place to call home; Today, The NHC has moved from being a tenant to a landlord. The National Development Corporation stands ready to serve you better and to help those with housing needs.”

The National House Corporation of Saint Lucia was established by section 3. 

The National Housing Corporation: Saint Lucia embarks on a number of housing projects island-wide with the support of General and Specialised Contractors.

Functions of The National Housing Corporation, Saint Lucia:

The NHC, Saint Lucia looks after the maintenance and establishment of shelter needs for its people. The other functions include-

  • To obtain and manage land and other property or to sell on the terms and conditions of the corporation after consulting the concerned minister.
  • To make sure of the proper facility of water, electricity and other basic services in housing.
  • To spread awareness of the house developing scheme.
  • To certify the development, repair, maintenance and improvement of the housing building.
  • To raise the quality of life.
  • To ensure the support of its members and to build a community where everyone can live peacefully.

Goals of National House Corporation:

The National House Corporation is a government organisation which aims to fulfil housing needs with affordable and exceptional services for the people of Saint Lucia.

To obtain sustainable development of housing and human settlements in a balanced manner. It focuses on improving access to basic urban housing and services.

Their fundamental act of assistance includes Mortgage Servicing and providing shelter solutions.