Grenada: Ministry of Social Development participates in handing-over ceremony between SAEP Grenada and Ministry

Ministry of Social Development, Housing & Community Empowerment Grenada is pleased to participate in this handing-over ceremony between SAEP Grenada and the Ministry of Social & Community Development, Housing and Gender Affairs.

17th of July 2022

Grenada: Ministry of Social Development participates in handing-over ceremony between SAEP Grenada and Ministry

Grenada: Ministry of Social Development, Housing & Community Empowerment Grenada is pleased to participate in this handing-over ceremony between SAEP Grenada and the Ministry of Social & Community Development, Housing and Gender Affairs. This initiative is critical to the facilitation of gender mainstreaming in Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. From a developmental context, it is imperative to incorporate a gender perspective into programming and interventions.

Over the years, Grenada has made strides toward the promotion of gender equality as an essential driver for development and, by extension, prosperity. However, the effects of the pandemic have impacted the progress that has been made on gender equality and women’s rights by deepening pre-existing inequalities. These inequalities include but are not limited to health, economy, security, and social protection.

This collaboration with SAEP is an opportunity to bolster efforts to contribute to the reduction of poverty and vulnerability of men and women in rural communities in the state of Grenada by emphasizing the Agricultural sector with the implementation of a six (6) years Programme (2018-2024) – The Climate Smart Agriculture and Rural Enterprise Programme (SAEP).

The collaboration is expected to facilitate the following:

1. Provision of Support for office equipment to DGFA by the SAEP Programme;

2. Implementation of operational measures to ensure gender-equitable participation in and benefit from project activities; including:

~Training of Gender Division Staff and volunteers (a pool of facilitators) in Gender Equality, CSA/Gender-related issues and Human Rights for the Division of Gender and Family Affairs and delivering training to SAEP Beneficiaries, and

~Training of Ministerial Gender Focal Points.

3. SAEP Beneficiaries (including 4Hers) receiving capacity building through training and awareness from DGFA

The ministry was quoted as, “Today, as the Minister of State with the responsibility for Social Development and Gender Affairs, we are glad to start this collaboration with the receipt of office equipment for the direct implementing unit, the Division of Gender and Family Affairs. The ministry is looking forward to our continued collaboration as we execute this critical initiative.”