Dominica’s coconut industry revitalized : Ministry of Agriculture collaborates with CARDI

The revitalization of the coconut industry in Dominica has been possible with the great efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Blue and Green Economy.

20th of January 2024

Revitalization of Coconut Industry in Dominica, credits to CARDIcaribbean Facebook Page

Roseau, Dominica: The revitalization of the coconut industry in Dominica has been possible with the great efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Blue and Green Economy.

From 2023 to 2024, the ministry prioritized embarking on a national rehabilitation exercise to introduce the Brazilian Dwarf Coconut Seedlings for propagation and distribution across Dominica. And, the Ministry received 13000 Brazilian Dwarf Coconut Seedlings from the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI).

The action was taken with the aim of introducing and propagating Brazilian Dwarf Coconut Seedlings across the Island. As with the devastation of Hurricane Maria in 2017, the coconut industry of Dominica suffered a lot, with 95% of coconut trees destroyed.

Roland Royer, Agriculture Minister of Dominica, extended his thanks to CARDI for collaborating with the Ministry. Further, he added that this is a part of a wider project which the Ministry is undertaking for the next three years, aiming at rehabilitating the tree crop sub-sector. 

The target is to establish about 1000 acres of coconuts for the next three years. Additionally, the coconut produce assists in providing jelly nuts, and with this first shipment of 13000, the import of 50,000 nuts will be done in the coming two years. 

Probing ahead, Dorian Etienne, CARDI Country Representative, provided the details of how CARDI made great contributions to the development and expansion of the Coconut industry.

He highlighted that the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute is implementing a project which the European Union has funded. Under this, availing quality coconut planting material is one of the most important activities. Further, he mentioned that at the project’s onset, the survey was carried out, which made it possible to know that the lack of planting material was one of the factors hindering the development of the sector.

“It was a very long process, started in 2020, and we are here now seeing the benefits and the fulfillment of our efforts,” said the representative, highlighting their hard work towards the revitalization of the Coconut industry.

Considerably, the imports of Dwarf seedlings incurred a huge amount that is US $32,000 with an additional shipping cost of US $16000. 

Also, Ryan Anselm, Representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, shed light on the benefits which this can bring to the country and mentioned that the future of the coconut industry would soon flourish again in Dominica.