Dominica: Ministry of Agriculture announces free online course in GAP Audit Training

The Ministry of Agriculture, Dominica informed the public about the free on-line course in Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Audit Training. The Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Audit Training is an online course which will be live from March 4, 2024 to April 30, 2024.

27th of February 2024

Dominica: Ministry of Agriculture announces free online course in GAP Audit Training, credits to Facebook

Roseau, Dominica: The Ministry of Agriculture, Dominica informed the public about the free online course in Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Audit Training.

The Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Audit Training is an online course that will be live from March 4, 2024, to April 30, 2024. The course mainly targets producers, extension officers, field officers and Agricultural Students.

The training is for the groups who have knowledge of the principles and practices of Good Agricultural Practices. Those who participated in the program have indicated that the knowledge gained from this would help in their careers.

The course will include four modules which will cover all the aspects. Module 1 will include an overview of the importance and application of good agricultural practices in improving the safety, quality and trade of fresh produce.

Module 2 will provide information about common on-farm deficiencies whereas Module 3 will deal with GAP Auditing Principles and Practices. All the aspects covered in GAPS will provide detailed knowledge. 

This course is being provided under the 11th European Development Fund Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Project. The course will be provided free. The country is already doing great for the development of the agriculture sector and this training marks proof of the action of growth.

Probing ahead, the ministry distributed white potato seeds to seven primary and secondary schools which encouraged children to to participate in the plantation activities. This further will lead towards better conditions in the country as it will foster sustainable development in the country.

Dominica is on the sustainable agenda and the actions being taken itself state that the country is on its path of achieving the sustainable development goals. Even the schools were provided with a White Potato Crop Calendar which provided timeliness, fertilizers, agro-chemical regimes, proper harvest and post-harvest techniques.

All the activities are required to be followed throughout the crop cycle. And, the detailed knowledge which will be provided through the training will offer the benefits of doing better in agriculture. Hence, will contribute towards the overall growth of the country.