A member of TT PM Rowley’s delegation tests positive for COVID-19 in Qatar

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has been visiting Qatar, along with his delegation. Recently, during regular COVID-19 testing, a member of his delegation tested positive.

22nd of February 2022

A member of TT PM Rowley’s delegation tests positive for COVID-19 in Qatar

Trinidad & Tobago: Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has been visiting Qatar, along with his delegation. Recently, during regular COVID-19 testing, a member of his delegation tested positive.

According to the information shared by the Office of the Prime Minister, on Monday, a member of the Prime Minister’s staff member that accompanied the delegation of Trinidad and Tobago to Doha, Qatar, has tested positive to SARS-CoV-2.

The statement further clarified that the whole delegation was tested negative via PCR test at the Trinidad and Tobago airport before the departure. The team was also tested negative at the Qatar airport. Meanwhile, a member tested positive after reaching the hotel.

The positive-tested member has been kept in isolation and under medical supervision.

However, the statement has mentioned that other members of the delegations were tested negative during the third time.

The Rowley-led delegation has left for Qatar on Friday to attend the Sixth Summit of Heads of States and Government of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF). The delegation included the Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of Prime Minister Stuart Young, president of the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, Mark Loquan, and chairman of Caribbean Airlines, Ronnie Mohammed.

However, the details about the security personnel of Keith Rowley have not been shared for the security purposes of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister Rowley of Trinidad and Tobago has tested positive for the virus twice in the last year after experiencing flu-like symptoms. He has received the double vaccination and booster dose against the infection.