Haiti President Moise inaugurates Roseline School

Président of Haiti, Jovenel Moïse inaugurates Roseline Vaval National High School on Friday, January 08, 2021.

9th of January 2021

Haiti President Moise inaugurates Roseline School

Haiti: Président of Haiti, Jovenel Moïse inaugurates Roseline Vaval National High School on Friday, January 08, 2021.

Le Lycée Roseline Vaval de Vialet en chiffres: 18 salles de classe de 51.84 m2 chacune, une salle de réfectoire de 62.55 m2, 2 salles techniques,1 bloc administratif qui regroupe une salle d'attente, une salle d'infirmerie, 1 podium,1 terrain de basket et 1 bloc sanitaire.#Haïti pic.twitter.com/USdSblv2h8

— Président Jovenel Moïse (@moisejovenel) January 8, 2021

Président of Haiti, Jovenel Moïse declares, “Our commitment remains the same: to ensure that every child, no matter their gender and social affiliation, have access to education Vaval National High School.”

School’s Description:
Roseline Vaval National High School has a total of 18 classrooms of 51.84 m2 each, a refectory room of 62.55 m2, two technical rooms, one administrative block which comprises a waiting room, a different waiting room nursery, one podium outdoors, one basketball court, and a sanitary block.

Ce vendredi 08 Janvier 2021, je suis à Petit -Goâve pour procéder à l’inauguration du Lycée National Roseline Vaval. Notre engagement reste le même: faire en sorte que chaque enfant,peu importe son sexe et son appartenance sociale,ait accès à l’éducation.#Haïti #tirèslapoupèpla pic.twitter.com/QvkyheF7Eh

— Président Jovenel Moïse (@moisejovenel) January 8, 2021

Kemly Bien Aime commented, “We certainly need high school, but there are also practical reforms in the educational sector which has stagnated around the new high school which does not reflect the situation in the country, buildings mean nothing. Can’t congratulate a president for building an Antouka high school.”

Haiti President Moise inaugurates Roseline School
Haiti President Moise inaugurates Roseline School

Lander Belair wrote, “You will go down as the best Haitian president. I just turned 30, and nobody has ever accomplished more than what you’ve done. Keep doing what you do best.”

Another Facebook user commented, “It’s beautiful, building, But do you think about doing water systems for every building and house because without that, your building is worthless, Without functional toilets and sinks, About time to evolve, but the right way.”

Recently, According to Président of Haiti, Jovenel Moïse, The mother of this law, excluded from the country’s political affairs more than 3 million Haitians because they do not live on the national territory. At the same time, about 40% of the nation’s gross domestic growth is on their backs. Many have the expertise and skills to help the country cover the way for economic development and growth.

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