Europe: MEP Max Orville speaks on discrimination in society

Max Orville – Member of Parliament of the European Union from Martinique, participated in a discussion which focused on the fight against any kind of discrimination

25th of May 2023

Europe: MEP Max Orville speaks on discrimination in society || Picture Courtesy: MEP Orville (Twitter)

Europe: Max Orville – Member of Parliament of the European Union from Martinique, participated in a discussion which focused on the fight against any kind of discrimination in society on May 24, 2023.

The discussions were done with the European Network of Equality Bodies – Equinet, European Network of Equality Bodies. “Exchange of views this morning with the European Network of Equality Bodies – Equinet, European Network of Equality Bodies,” informed the official tweet by MEP Orville.

The MEP shared the tweet in the French language, which can be loosely translated as, “Raising awareness, prevention, accessibility and assistance to victims… the European Union is committed to the fight against all forms of discrimination and for more inclusive societies.”

Equinet Europe brings together National Equality Bodies, which are empowered to counteract discrimination and promote equality under European Union equal-treatment legislation.

The European Commission has termed discrimination on some basic grounds such as race, sex, colour, language, religion or belief, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, birth, disability, age, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, or sexual orientation. The Commission has appealed to prohibit discrimination on the basis of any of the above-mentioned grounds.

Making it prominent and raising awareness about discrimination, the right was enshrined in Article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Discrimination based on nationality is strictly prohibited within the framework of the Treaty establishing the European Community and the Treaty on European Union while acknowledging the specific provisions outlined in those treaties.