St Kitts and Nevis: Premier Mark Brantley visits Apsaras Calypso to survey progress being made

Premier of Nevis – Mark Brantley, has recently visited the Apsaras Calypso development in St James.

25th of March 2023

St Kitts and Nevis: Premier Mark Brantley visits Apsaras Calypso to survey progress being made

Basseterre, St Kitts and Nevis: Premier of Nevis Island Administration (NIA) and leader of the opposition of St Kitts and Nevis – Mark Brantley, has recently visited the Apsaras Calypso development in St James. During the visit, he was accompanied by the Cabinet of Nevis to witness the progress in the region.

While stating that “something good is happening in Nevis,” premier Mark Brantley stated, “Today the Cabinet of Nevis was invited to visit the Apsaras Calypso development in St James, a multi-million dollar foreign direct investment into Nevis, and to see firsthand the progress being made using non-traditional design and construction techniques.”

He furthermore expressed pleasure and said, “We were very impressed with the work thus far and anticipated the completion of the project and the jobs to be created during construction and upon completion.”

Mark Brantley added, “We were especially pleased to hear about the massive agricultural component of this project with the expectation to contribute significantly to food sovereignty in Nevis and the wider Federation.”

This gesture by the Cabinet of Nevis and Premier Brantley was lauded by the people, “Hey, everyone! We believe that if you’re going to talk politics, you need to keep a cool head and an open mind. First of all, China hasn’t swallowed up other Asian countries yet, so Taiwanese or Filipino people aren’t Chinese. Although they look similar, they’re not Chinese. Our company members come from Free HK and the Philippines, as well as British-born Taiwanese and many Nevisians. There’s not a single Chinese person here. Anyway, we live here now, so we’re all Nevisians,” he wrote, receiving a reply from Premier Brantley.

Another one noted, “Awesome job Mr Premier. More jobs for Nevis,” while the third one stated, “Love this brother. Waiting to see this movement in operation.”