T&T: 2021/2022 Academic year to commence virtually from 6 September

Trinidad and Tobago’s Education Ministry informed in a press release that the academic year of 2021/2022 would commence from Monday, 6 September 2021 virtually. 

25th of August 2021

Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad and Tobago’s Education Ministry informed in a press release that the academic year of 2021/2022 would commence from Monday, 6 September 2021 virtually. 

The press release statement noted that the Ministry of Health would take into consideration the current COVID-19 situation in the country, including the vaccination uptake by the population, students as well. This consideration will further advise the Trinidad and Tobago government and Education Ministry to discuss a possible start date to bring face-to-face classes back soon. 

The Ministry, in its press release statement, has also advised all the education stakeholders to ensure that the COVID-19 health protocols, safety and operational measures are laid out in 2021/2022 guidelines for the reopening of schools are followed properly. 

The Ministry further informed that the finalized curricular guidelines would be sent to all the stakeholders, which would be specifically applied to Term one. 

According to the statistics, on 24 August 2021, the island reported 199 new infections taking the total number of active cases to 5,097, whereas a total of 37,003 individuals have been recovered from the deadly mutant. In total, 1,244 patients were scummed to death amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

There are a total of 311 patients in the hospital, 88 in step-down facilities and 145 in the state-quarantine facilities. Around 4,499 people have isolated themselves in their respective homes. 

 As of 24 August 2021, around 490,958 individuals have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while a total of 372,614 people have received their second dose of the coronavirus vaccine and are now fully vaccinated now. 

The Health Ministry has informed that so far, it has tested 303,118 individuals, out of which 131,489 COVID-19 tests were conducted at private healthcare facilities, whereas the remaining individuals were tested at public healthcare facilities. 

For any further information & updates related to the COVID-19 vaccination, the residents can visit –  https://health.gov.tt/covid-19/covid-19-vaccine