St.Lucians praises PM Chastanet for Adding Drainage in Dennery

Democracy is of the people, for the people, and by the people. As leaders, it’s their accountability to serve their nation and public, and Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, Allen Chastanet, is doing his job so well that St.Lucians are praising & showing their love towards their hon. PM on social media.

10th of January 2021

St.Lucians praises PM Chastanet for Adding Drainage in Dennery

St Lucia: Democracy is of the people, for the people, and by the people. As leaders, it’s their accountability to serve their nation and public, and Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, Allen Chastanet, is doing his job so well that St.Lucians are praising & showing their love towards their hon. PM on social media.

St.Lucians praises PM Chastanet for Adding Drainage in Dennery
St.Lucians praises PM Chastanet for Adding Drainage in Dennery

Why are St. Lucians praising PM Chastanet?
In village Dennery there is a need for a drainage system as there was a lot of severance witnessed due to the flood. People were in distress and waiting for the government to take action on this enigma. Prime Minister Allen Chastanet initiated Flood Mitigation Work.

St.Lucians praises PM Chastanet for Adding Drainage in Dennery
St.Lucians praises PM Chastanet for Adding Drainage in Dennery

PM Chastanet stated, ” Just got a chance to witness Phase 1 of the ongoing Flood Mitigation Work which is currently ongoing in the village of Dennery; along with reducing the disruption and damage caused to residents by flooding, this project will also address several health hazards associated with poor drainage.”

St.Lucians praises PM Chastanet for Adding Drainage in Dennery
St.Lucians praises PM Chastanet for Adding Drainage in Dennery

Flood of Praises by St. Lucians:
Sharon Terell commented, “Thanks, P.M. St Lucia lacking drains big culvert’s all over the island especially in the cul-de-sac.. we need to work on building lots of drains. Thank you, P.M. very heartwarming to see you hitting Dennery, and they need drainage. We’ve seen Dennery last flood, so we know how necessary they need drains and culverts…God blessings my P.M.”

St.Lucians praises PM Chastanet for Adding Drainage in Dennery
St.Lucians praises PM Chastanet for Adding Drainage in Dennery

“Like never seen before a prime minister who gets evolve in everywhere a work is happening…he is the best…here there and everywhere…keep up the great work,” Madeleine Alexander commented.

St.Lucians praises PM Chastanet for Adding Drainage in Dennery
St.Lucians praises PM Chastanet for Adding Drainage in Dennery

Everybody is talking about how much the PM is thoughtful. Veronica St. Marthe commented, “God bless you, PM!!!… despite all the challenges that came against you, but you remain undefeated!! Good job. I am proud of you and your team!!.. continue the good work us you press on to your expected end in christ…I am praying for you and your loved ones to stay safe.”

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