St Kitts rooted Melanie Liburd starred in Hollywood blockbuster

Melanie Liburd, whose roots trace back to St Kitts and Nevis showcased her creativity, talent and gave stellar performance in her blockbuster of Columbia Pictures, Bad Boys 4.

5th of July 2024

St Kitts rooted Melanie Liburd starred in Hollywood blockbuster. Picture Credits: Fb accounts

Melanie Liburd, whose roots trace back to St Kitts and Nevis showcased her creativity, talent and gave stellar performance in her blockbuster of Columbia Pictures, Bad Boys 4. The vibrant and rich cultural heritage of the island nation adds depth to the identity of Liburd which resonates in both her personal and professional achievements.

Melanie Liburd was born in Hertfordshire, England to Georgina, a realtor and Michael Liburd, a martial arts expert. Her mother was from London and father was born on the islands of St Kitts and Nevis. Therefore, she is a half Kittitian and half English.

Her acting journey began at the Identity Drama School. She is also known for her diverse background which includes a career as a fashion model who also studied Art History and Fashion Design.

Picture Credits: Fb accounts
Picture Credits: Fb accounts

Following that she switched to acting and won the hearts of the audience through her versatile performance in films like Strike Back, Dracula, and Dark Matter. Along with that, she has also been very active in her social media accounts. As she enjoys huge popularity among fans as she has 259K followers on Instagram and 18.4 K on Twitter.

This large number of fans on her social media accounts shed light on the popularity that Liburd has among the people of all ages. She is also known for her passion for sword fighting, bo-staff training and Pilates.

Picture Credits: Fb accounts
Picture Credits: Fb accounts

Moreover, Liburd captivated audiences in her recent released, Bad Boys 4 through her phenomenal performance alongside Hollywood legends like Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. She is also making several milestones in the entertainment industry and has promised to continue to work hard in order to entertain audience through her films.

Her performance was also highly appreciated by all her fans and the movie lovers, who praised her for her mesmerizing portrayal in the film as a lead role. The audiences also called her a versatile actor who also leaves an impactful mark every time in different genres of films.