Read: Health Ministry shares updated Montserrat Travel Protocols

Montserrat: The Health Ministry of the country has shared updated travel protocols.

29th of May 2022

COVID-19 Travel Protocols

Montserrat: The Health Ministry of the country has shared updated travel protocols:

1.) Confirm Accommodation:

Ensure that you have confirmed where you will stay while on Montserrat. If you plan to stay with your family, ensure that they are aware, as the entire household may be quarantined for ten days if you are not vaccinated.

2.) Negative COVID-19 PCR/ RNA/ Antigen Test required prior to travel

The test should be taken no earlier than three days prior to travelling. Persons exempted are:

a. A child under five years of age
b. a person entering Montserrat in the circumstances related to a medical evacuation.
c. a person granted permission by the Minister to enter Montserrat to aid with preparations for a disaster or after a disaster.

Antibody Tests are not accepted. Passengers must travel with a copy of the negative COVID-19 test result.

3.) Air and sea travel allowed

Fly Montserrat and SVG Air provide Air Travel.

Sea travel – Yachts & Cruise Ships (persons arriving on yachts & cruise ships must be vaccinated)

Pre-travel requirement for non-resident technicians not fully vaccinated

As per the government of Montserrat, an unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated non-resident technician is required to apply to the Minister of Health for approval to enter Montserrat. To apply for approval, an unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated non-resident technician should send an email outlining details of intended travel to Montserrat to Once approved, the technician must then complete and submit the online travel declaration on the Government of Montserrat website:

General Travel Guidelines for Vessel & Aircraft Owners

The owners of a vessel or aircraft must ensure that persons travelling are in possession of a copy of a negative PCR COVID-19 test or a negative RNA COVID-19 test, or else the owner will be committing an offence. Public Health (COVID-19 Suppression).

Order Persons arriving on Montserrat are required to answer all questions asked by the Medical or Health Officer and may be required to undertake health checks and screenings. Individuals who are fully vaccinated must provide the Medical or Health officer with proof of their vaccination status. If this evidence is not provided, then the individual will be regarded as being unvaccinated/ not fully vaccinated.