PM Terrance Drew implements development programs, calls it essential for citizens

Dr. Terrance Drew, the Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis reminisced significant programmes and policies implemented in the country in the last 2 years, since he took up the charge.

24th of June 2024

PM Terrance Drew implements development programs, calls it essential for citizens. Picture Credits: Fb accounts

Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis: Dr. Terrance Drew, the Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis reminisced significant programmes and policies implemented in the country in the last 2 years, since he took up the charge. From Children’s medical fund, increase in minimum wage, and free college facility to water subsidies, food voucher programs, and many more, the administration has always aimed to provide benefits to all residents regardless of any discrimination.

PM Drew stated that his government is second to none when it comes to the protection of people. While sharing the list of all the programmes implemented by St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party, he stated that “These are efforts directed to help our people.”

An increase in minimum wage is one of the programmes implemented by the Terrance Drew administration which was conducted in order to enhance the standard of living of all the workers. The minimum wage has been increased in the island nation from 1st January 2024, from EC$9.00 to EC$10.75 per hour. The government aims to provide a fair and liveable wage to all the employees in order to prevent them from facing any financial hardship and insecurity.

Another initiative launched by Government of St. Kitts and Nevis was increase in salaries for all civil servants and pensioners who have made a huge contribution towards serving the nation. PM Drew aims to provide quality of life to those who have relentlessly served the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.

Along with that, free college is one of the significant steps undertaken by the administration of St. Kitts and Nevis. Under this, the parents who could not afford to pay the costs for their children to attend Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College receives free tuition under funding and training programs.

The administration led by Dr. Terrance Drew also aimed at Independence Reset initiative which was conducted in order to revitalize the nation and extend gratitude to all the hardworking citizens. Under this programme six initiatives were further introduced including, Housing Arrears Rest, Worker’s Rest, Electricity Arrears Reset, LAND Reset, Building Materials Reset and Water services arrears reset.

These six initiatives seek to promote economic growth, enhance living conditions, and recognize the invaluable contributions of the people of St. Kitts and Nevis.

The Food Voucher Programme is one of the social protection programmes which was conducted to empower people and their quality of life, ensuring sustainable development agenda.

Children’s Medical Fund is one of the greatest steps undertaken in order to ensure healthy life among the citizens of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. This was initiated to provide medical assistance to all those needy children who are in requirement of getting treated abroad. Under this fund, several children have received the best of the treatment possible.

Other initiatives outlined by PM Terrance Drew include, increased step, stabilizing lift, increased pre-school subsidy, school uniform program, electricity subsidy, water subsidy, propane gas subsidy and adjusting duties and taxes on food to limit inflation, ensuring enhanced quality of life.