Meet new Detective Inspector Jessica Sweeney of Montserrat

Financial Crime & Analysis Unit – Montserrat has introduced a new Detective Inspector Jessica Sweeney.

22nd of February 2023

Meet new Detective Inspector Jessica Sweeney of Montserrat

Brades, Montserrat: Financial Crime & Analysis Unit – Montserrat has introduced a new Detective Inspector Jessica Sweeney. She has been a financial investigator/analyst for the past Thirteen (13) years. She joined the Financial Crime & Analysis Unit (FCAU) at its inception in 2009.

According to the Unit, her responsibilities are:

1. Supervision and coordinated training of all investigating staff, including investigating officers, analysts and intelligence officers, in investigation principles and procedures in accordance with the relevant legislation and industry standards.

2. To oversee the performance of the duties defined under the Proceeds of Crime Act, which involve receiving, obtaining, investigating, analysing and disseminating information which relates to financial offence or the proceeds of a financial offence;

3. Assisting the Director in strategic planning for the Unit and identifying areas of weakness, and identifying possible areas of improvement.

4. Assisting with the preparation of investigation reports and annual reports of the Unit.

5. Managing the collection, reporting and analysis of statistics relating to the work of the Unit, including suspicious activity reports, large transaction reports, requests for information and mutual legal assistance requests.

6. Assisting in the preparation and delivery of AML/CFT-related training to the local financial services industry in relation to the functions of the Unit and their obligations under local AML/CFT legislation.

7. Assisting the Director in ensuring that the Unit and Territory remain in compliance with international standards and best practices as it relates to AML/CFT matters.

8. Attending AML/CFT meetings on the Unit’s behalf, including meetings of CFATF. Presents on the Unit’s behalf as need be and reports back on new developments.

According to the social media post by the Financial Unit, Detective Inspector Sweeney obtained a bachelor’s Science degree in Management studies from the University of West Indies. She has gained experience in financial crime through two attachments to Cayman Island Financial Intelligence and Crime Unit and St Vincent and the Grenadines Financial Intelligence Unit.

She also completed a number of training including:
• Financial Investigation
• Intelligence Manager Training
• CFATF Accreditation Training Project: Financial Analysts/ Train the Trainer
• Egmont Group Advance Strategic Analysis Training
• CFATF/FATF/IMF Assessors Training
• ECCB Counterfeit/ Expert Witness Training
• CFATF Assets Recovery Training
• Combatting Cash Smuggling Webinar
• RSS Drug Prosecution Training
• Cybercrime Investigation &
• Cyber Security Training
• Senior Investigating Officer Training

While praising the ideas and working skills of the newly appointed Detective Inspector, it outlined that Sweeney’s vision for the Unit is for it to be established as an independent and autonomous body which provides the highest level of security to Montserrat on matters of Money laundering and Terrorist Financing.