Guyana: Labour Ministry signs MOU, assures youth to provide electrical contractors training

Guyana: The Public Works Ministry and the Labour Ministry are collaborating to train and assess persons wishing to attain an electrical contractor’s license.

20th of December 2022

Guyana: Labour Ministry signs MOU, assures youth to provide electrical contractors training

Guyana: The Public Works Ministry and the Labour Ministry are collaborating to train and assess persons wishing to attain an electrical contractor’s license. Both ministries will sign an MOU to this effect via their agencies, the Board of Industrial Training (BIT) and the Government Electoral Inspectorate (GEI).

Chief Electrical Inspector Ag of the MOPW, Kevon Grimmond, and CEO of BIT, Richard Maughn, signed on behalf of their respective agencies.

Witnessing the signing were Bishop Juan A Edghill – Minister of Public Works, Joseph Hamilton, Minister of Labour and Permanent Secretary of the MOPW, Vladim Persaud.

Through this MOU, the MOPW will provide the syllabus for the programme. At the same time, the MOL will facilitate the training and conduct the assessment of persons wishing to attain an electrical contractor’s license.

The Labour Ministry has also informed that the electrical professionals will receive vocational and technical training from the Board of Industrial Training (BIT), which will help them become licensed electrical contractors. Following this, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Public Works, the Board of Industrial Training (BIT), and the Electrical Inspectorate (GEI) was signed on December 19, 2022 (Monday).

Joseph Hamilton, Minister of Labour, Bishop Juan Edghill, Richard Maughn, Chief Executive Officer of BIT, and Kevon Grimmond, Acting Chief Electrical Inspector of the Public Works Ministry, were the attendees of the signing ceremony.

During the ceremony, Minister Hamilton stated the importance of hiring such professionals with the skills and knowledge to work effectively and efficiently in their respective fields. As per the ministry of labour, this initiative is required to enhance and grow the skills and craftsmanship of electrical professionals.

Minister Edghill thanked Minister Hamilton for recognizing the need to create skilled individuals to aid the PPP/C Administration’s drive to foster development. He stated that the partnership also aims to improve the ‘middle man’s livelihood’.