Grenada: Housing Minister Philip Telesford visits US to research into housing sector

Grenada’s Housing Minister, Philip Telesford, provided an update from a recent trip to the United States with colleague Minister, Andy Williams, as part of the Government’s research into the housing sector.

1st of March 2023

Grenada: Housing Minister Philip Telesford visits US to research into housing sector || Picture Courtesy: Minister Telesford's Facebook

Saint George’s, Grenada: Grenada’s Housing Minister, Philip Telesford, provided an update from a recent trip to the United States with colleague Minister, Andy Williams, as part of the Government’s research into the housing sector.

The Minister took it to social media and shared his surveying experience with the general public of the country. “I recently returned to Grenada from a US trip with my Colleague, Minister Andy Williams as part Government’s research into the housing sector, as we are pushing ahead with plans to invest in the construction of 500 + Grenadian Styled Climate Smart Houses,” the post by the minister read.

The minister further claimed, “We are pushing ahead with plans to invest in the construction of 500+ Grenadian Styled Climate Smart Houses.”

He further explained that while in the US, the team led by the minister had the opportunity to visit factories and numerous housing sites to see what is innovative, new and breaking ground in the US and how it can be replicated in Grenada.

Minister Telesford further expressed, “It was indeed a great exercise as we were able to dialogue with Engineers, Contractors, Developers, IT Specialists and Researchers in the industry who were able to share first-hand knowledge of what they have been doing not only in the United States but across the globe.”

He added, “Our Government remains committed to the construction of 500+ High-quality, Grenadian-styled Family Homes to create and facilitate access to housing that will substantially increase the number of Grenadian families who own and live in their own homes. Special priority will be given to satisfying the housing demand for people in the lowest income bracket and youth.”