Doubled vehicle imports in Antigua, marks exceptional achievement

Antigua and Barbuda marked an exceptional achievement by recording the significant growth of around 117% in the number of vehicles handled at the port in the present year as compared to the previous one.

25th of December 2023

Doubled imports in the country, credits : unknown

Antigua and Barbuda: The country marked an exceptional achievement by recording a significant growth of around 117% in the number of vehicles handled at the port in the present year as compared to the previous one.

Such a figure was declared by Mary Claire-Hurst, the chairperson of the Port. This achievement has a great deal of role in the development of Antigua and Barbuda. When considering the exact count, it states the surge by 2,181 as the statistics revealed the change as 1,860 in the previous year and 4041 in the present.

Significantly, the chairperson, Mary Claire stated that people are coming and bringing their vehicles into the region which leads toward the growth and development of the country. With this, the port has become a crucial gateway for vehicle imports. This has highlighted the escalated economic activity and consumer confidence in the country.

Not only this, the country is even towards major growth as some notable projects are on the way, including the expansion of Hermitage Bay Hotel where a significant investment of 15 million US Dollar. Also, the Nikki Beach Resort will get an investment of 250 million US Dollars.

Adding to it, Carlisle Bay and the Maran Marot Yapton expansion project are in the pipeline as well, with an investment of 100 million US dollars. All this aligns with the commitment of the Government towards boosting the region’s tourism sector. 

Interestingly, all such developments foster increased tourism as with the developments, the hospitality offerings would also be improved, leading towards the sustainable development of the island. Connecting to it, the employment opportunities in the region will also take a positive turn by enhancing the hospitality offerings.

All the achievements and projections indicate a better position of the tourism sector of the country, Antigua and Barbuda with the luxury accommodations, hospitality offerings and a lot more in the region.