Dominica: Construction work progresses rapidly on Bailey Bridge

As per the details, this project is valued at over $2.5 million and is being undertaken by Emile Gaddarkhan et Fils.

9th of October 2024

Dominica: Construction work progresses rapidly on Bailey Bridge

The construction work on the new Bailey Bridge of Dominica has been continued with a vision to link the Delice and Petite Savanne constituencies, aiming to improve connectivity and enhancing accessibility between these areas.

As per the details, this project is valued at over $2.5 million and is being undertaken by Emile Gaddarkhan et Fils. This project will play a huge role in enhancing the accessibility and also generating economic revenue for all the local residents.

The authorities ensured that once the completion of the project, this road will restore connectivity between the two areas, bringing much-needed relief and joy to the residents. They added that this bridge will make it easier for motorists and residents to access their communities likely reducing travel time and improving daily commutes.

“Motorists and residents of the Delice and Petite Savanne constituencies will soon find it easier to access their communities as work continues on a new Bailey Bridge linking the two areas,” noted the Government of Dominica.

Notably, the devastating effects of Tropical Storm Erika in 2015 resulted in causing several displacements for most residents of Petite Savanne and destroyed the road which linked the community to Delices.

In response to the destruction caused by the Hurricane, the Government of Dominica ensured that Petite Savanne residents would be relocated and the access route to Delices would be re-established.

And, the resumption of the construction work on the new Bailey Bridge shed light on the unwavering commitment of the Government towards linking the two areas, enhancing accessibility and restoring vehicular access between the villages of Delice and Petite Savanne constituencies.

The authorities noted that this bridge option will enhance the water flow below, serving as a strategy to mitigate hurricane and flood damage along the island’s coast.

The Government of Dominica has therefore asked all the motorists and residents to support them in this project, emphasizing its success depends upon the collaborative vision and determination. The authorities reiterated their commitment to building a resilient and prosperous future for Dominica, addressing every challenge being faced by the island nation due to climate change.

“Let us seize this opportunity to make a lasting impact on our nation’s sustainability and resilience.”