Six Prefabricated Homes installed in Grenada as part of 200-home housing expansion

Grenada Government launches Pilot Project with Installation of Hurricane-Resilient Homes in Carriacou.

25th of March 2025

The Government of Grenada is presently undertaking the installation of six prefabricated homes at the new Dumfries housing site in Carriacou. The pilot project will mark the installation of twelve 2-bedroom and eight 3-bedroom hurricane standard homes sourced from Hapi Homes.

Notably, Hapi Homes is a United States company which is a leading expert in delivering pre-engineered building solutions worldwide. The company is known for offering and creating fully customizable homes tailored to the unique preferences, ensuring a comfortable and sustainable living of the residents. 

A team from Hapi Homes is currently in Grenada and is led by their Chief Executive Officer Mary Obrien. The local contractors from both Carriacou and Petite Martinique are also presently engaged there, aimed at ensuring the residents are provided with prefabricated homes featuring diverse and advanced facilities. 

These prefabricated houses will be provided to the hurricane affected families in collaboration with Hapi Homes. These prefabricated homes are those which are not constructed on site but rather manufactured off site and then assembled on the site. They are direct installed over the foundations. 

The Minister for Carriacou, Tevin Andrews also shared the glimpses of the newly installed prefabricated homes and expressed excitement. He added that the installation of these homes outlines their unwavering commitment and dedication towards restoring hope and building stronger communities for the future and welfare of the people of Grenada.

He added that the installation of these new prefabricated houses also shed light on their determination to overcome all the challenges caused in the Grenada due to the aftermath of the disastrous Hurricane Beryl in July 2024. “In the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, the Government sought and look at different ways of addressing the housing challenges the islands faced,” said Ministry of Carriacou and Petite Martinique. 

200 prefabricated homes to be provided in collaboration with Hapi Homes 

As per the details, the Government of Grenada will provide around 200 prefabricated homes in negotiation with Hapi Homes, a United State based company. The prefabricated homes will feature advanced facilities which will ensure that housing standards are protected from the devastating effects of the natural disasters. 

The representatives of the company, Mary O Brien, who is CEO and Co-founder, and Mohamed Ahmed, who also is a Co-founder and Chief Commercial Officer, also shed light on their vision for providing 200 prefabricated homes. Mohamed Ahmed expressed his excitement to collaborate with the government and ensured to built the houses in a manner those can withstand category hurricane winds. 

Minister Tevin Andrews noted that the Government in collaboration with Hapi Homes are working continuously aiming to address the housing concerns of the residents of the islands. He also shared their aim of installing around 20 prefabricated homes by 2025, providing an enhanced standard of living to all the residents of Grenada.