CCM invests 108,676.00 USD for medical care in 2022, Nevis’ Premier Brantley shares investment details

“Your CCM led NIA has continued to provide substantial financial support to our people who need specialized medical care but lack the financial resources to access such care,” notified Mark Brantley.

23rd of February 2022

Nevis: Premier Brantley addresses virtual address on Incentivizing Work Effort

St Kitts and Nevis: The Concerned Citizen Movement (CCM) led Nevis Island Administration (NIA) has supported the people who were in need of medical assistance but lacked the financial support, as per the announcement by the Premier of Nevis – Mark Brantley.

“Your CCM led NIA has continued to provide substantial financial support to our people who need specialized medical care but lack the financial resources to access such care,” notified Mark Brantley.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs & Aviation of St Kitts and Nevis and the Premier of Nevis, Brantley, further stated that the government provides up to USD 10,000 to give financial assistance to the needy resistance.

St Kitts and Nevis MFAA stated, “We provide up to a maximum of US$10,000 in financial support”.

He further claimed that this financial support is given to those who are financially unable to invest in good treatment. Nevis’ Premier stated, “This is especially so for those needing care and having to travel abroad.”

He further shared the details of the financial aid provided by the CCM led NIA.

According to the statics shared by Brantley, in 2022, to date, the authorities have invested around 108,676.00 US dollars in providing assistance to vulnerable people.

The Premier of Nevis further shared the details of the last four years – 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. The leader notified that the CCM led NIA has invested around 622,256.69 US dollars in 2018 and as many as 586,922.73 USD in 2019.

In the year 2020, the amount of financial support was decreased to USD 289,456.40. However, it witnessed an increase in 2021, worth 459,625.20.

To date, the total number of financial aid provided by the CCM is around US Dollars 2,069,973.02.

This announcement has been a part of the episode shared by the MFAA leader, in which he shares the details of the significant investments made by the CCM to upgrade the health sector.