WHO warns more than 700,000 individuals to die amid COVID in Europe region by March 2022

World Health Organisation - WHO has issued a warning that more than 700,000 people can die to COVID-19 in Europe and Asia by the month of March 2022.  

World Health Organisation – WHO has issued a warning that more than 700,000 people can die to COVID-19 in Europe and Asia by the month of March 2022.  

At the present time, Europe is facing a speedy hike in the COVID-19 daily infection rate, to which Austria to return to lockdown and others to consider fresh measures.


WHO has also warned of “high or extreme stress” in intensive care units – ICU in around 49 nations by the month of March 2022.   

WHO officials stated that “Cumulative reported deaths are projected to reach over 2.2 million by spring next year, based on current trends“. 

The huge number of unvaccinated people and the prevalence of the Delta variant in some nations were key factors behind high transmission rates of the virus in the Europe region,” WHO further added. 

Apart from this, the WHO Europe director, Dr Hans Kluge, has requested the individuals who have yet not taken their doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to come forward, get over their vaccine hesitancy and get themselves inoculated as soon as possible in order to ensure the safety of themselves and their loved ones. 

Dr Kluge stated that “All of us have the opportunity and responsibility to help avert unnecessary tragedy and loss of life, and limit the further disruption to society and businesses over this winter season”. 

The data shows that Russia only is recording more than 1,200 daily infections of the COVID-19 virus. 

Besides this, WHO furthermore informed that the COVID-19 virus is the prime reason behind the deaths that are being recorded in the European region.