Varietal Trials of Tissue Culture Cassava: Alternative crop as part of food security initiatives
The Ministry of Agriculture of Dominica features Varietal Trials of Tissue Culture Cassava as an alternate crop in food security initiatives. This planting material was established at the Portsmouth Agricultural Station to undertake research into the production cycle, its yields and adaptability.
20th of April 2024
Roseau, Dominica: The Ministry of Agriculture of Dominica features Varietal Trials of Tissue Culture Cassava as an alternate crop in food security initiatives. This planting material was established at the Portsmouth Agricultural Station to undertake research into the production cycle, its yields and adaptability.
The Ministry outlined that these are improved tissue culture cassava varieties introduced to Dominica via CLAYUCA and Food and Agriculture Organization project in 2021. This aimed at determining whether the high yielding varieties adapt better than indigenous cassava species or not.
Considerably, in introducing new varieties of the root crops using tissue culture, the second generation is the basis for determining the suitability of the crop. And, these harvested stocks will be prepared and re-established along with local cassava stock at the La Plaine and Woodford Hill agricultural stations for further research. This is because the demand for Cassava has been increasing on the local markets and in processing of value added products.
The Agriculture Ministry of Dominica as well shared the glimpses of this.
Agriculture, being a major part of the economic state of the country, needs to be improved timely. The Varietal Trials of Tissue Culture Cassava, as part of it, would surely be proven as an action towards the development of the agriculture sector.
The new varieties of the root crops as well direct towards fostering food security in the country. Developmental initiatives being taken in the country are the signals of the authorities’ dedication for the betterment of the nation and its people.
Considerably, these commit to strengthen cooperation with the government that are aimed at providing effective responses to the financial and economic state of the country. All such initiatives step towards fulfilling the sustainable agenda of the country. This sets a mark of the people centric actions taken by the government, that commits towards the growth and development of the country.
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