PM Skerrit launches construction phase of Thibaud Primary School, celebrates relations with China

Roosevelt Skerrit, the Prime Minister of Dominica on Wednesday launched the construction phase of Thibaud Primary School. The Prime Minister extended the gratitude towards the People’s Republic of China for their collaborative support. At the groundbreaking event, Dominica was commemorating 20 years of diplomatic relations with China.

11th of March 2024

PM Skerrit launches construction phase of Thibaud School, celebrates relations with China, credits to Facebook

Roosevelt Skerrit, the Prime Minister of Dominica, on Wednesday launched the construction phase of Thibaud Primary School. The Prime Minister expressed gratitude to the People’s Republic of China for its collaborative support. At the groundbreaking event, Dominica commemorated 20 years of diplomatic relations with China.

After completion, the school will function as a Center of Excellence in Special Education. It will also have extra spaces to support children’s interests in sports, culture, science, and the visual and performing arts.

As part of the China Aid Project for the Reconstruction of Schools Post-Hurricane Maria, the new Thibaud Primary School is one of the six schools which are to be constructed under this project.

PM Skerrit stated during the groundbreaking ceremony that the Dominican government’s goal of giving the nation’s youth the best chance for success is in line with the establishment of the Thibaud Primary School.

He asserted that the administration of the Dominica Labour Party has a strong history of keeping its word to the people. PM Skerrit emphasized that despite encountering several obstacles that can result in delays, they consistently fulfil their pledges.

He went on to say that Dominica’s development of five elementary schools and one secondary school demonstrates a significant commitment to improving the country’s educational infrastructure. Additionally, PM Skerrit emphasized that these schools are being built with an investment of about $80 million.

PM Skerrit launches construction phase of Thibaud School, celebrates relations with China, credits to Facebook
PM Skerrit launches construction phase of Thibaud School, celebrates relations with China, credits to Facebook.

The school has been at the top of the Prime Minister’s priority list, according to the parliamentary representative for the Vieille Case Constituency.

He emphasized that the school students are receiving the utmost care and attention and are still thriving. PM Skerrit also expressed excitement about the additional work the school will be able to complete after they relocate to a child-friendly learning environment.

Fenella Wenham, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, stated that in addition to being a state-of-the-art establishment, the school will serve as a hub for community events and a direct provider of educational opportunities for parents.

The school will contain seven classrooms, a library, a computer room, a sick bay, a staff lounge, a counselling room, an early childcare facility, and restrooms that are accessible for wheelchair users.

Along with acting as a community disaster shelter, the school will also house adult education, according to Wenham.

She added that the government is now anticipating the start of construction at other schools, such as Tete Morne, Sineku, Calibishie, and Bellevue Chopin.