Minister Konris Maynard pledges to modernize Postal Services

Konris Maynard, Minister of Post is continuing the commitment of the ministry to digital transformation in the postal sector.

10th of October 2023

Minister Konris Maynard's goal to modernize the Postal Services. (Picture Courtesy- Google)

Basseterre, St Kitts and Nevis: St Kitts and Nevis joined the World community and celebrated “World Post Day” on Monday, October 9, with the assistance of Minister Konris Maynard. The day was observed under the theme, “Together for Trust: Collaborating for a safe and connected future”.

Persons who paid their visit to St Kitts and Nevis Postal services were greeted with small tokens of appreciation from the members of staff.

World Post Day is celebrated annually, aiming to bring awareness to the Post’s role in the lives of the general public and to contribute to economic and social development.

Konris Maynard paid a visit to the post office:

Konris Maynard– The Minister of Post in the Federal Cabinet marked his presence at the post office in St Kitts and Nevis, where he communicated with the members of staff.

While addressing the staff members, Konris Maynard confirmed that the Post Office is supposed to start the work on the digital transformation of the postal sector, which will help to secure the future.

Future Goals of Minister Maynard to Digitalized Post Offices:

Minister Maynard greeted and thanked the staff members for their hard work and contribution to the postal services. While expressing the need for digital transformation of the post offices, he stated that the association of modernization of the postal sector is necessary to sustain the future and its relevance.

Furthermore, he highlighted the fact that the post has to adapt and evolve in the digital economy, which will support them to change the whole scenario of their work.

Minister Maynard marked that the digital transformation will be starting early in 2024, and by the first half of the next year, all the post offices in the Federation will have counter automation software to technologize the counter operations.

This will help them to improve the productivity and effectiveness of their services to support the general public.

He ensures affordable access to postal products and services to the general public.

The National Addressing System (NAS) will be developed, which will name the unnamed streets in the federation along with the vacant lot numbering and building numbering. There will be a postal code for each parish in the federation.

Aims of National Addressing System: The National Addressing System emphasized the easier delivery for the post of email. The Federation of St Kitts and Nevis will represent and implement the functions of the National Addressing System.