Michael Martin’s vision drives St Kitts and Nevis CBI Programme to unprecedented peaks

Citizenship by Investment programme (CBI programme) of St Kitts and Nevis becoming an ideal choice amid such uncertainties.

16th of August 2023

Michael Martin's vision drives St Kitts and Nevis CBI Programme to unprecedented peaks

Basseterre, St Kitts and Nevis: High net-worth individuals and investors across the world have been opting for the citizenship by investment programme (CBI programme) of St Kitts and Nevis as an ideal choice amid such uncertainties. The popularity and demand of the programme have been increasing because of the new and improved decisions taken by the Head of the CIU – Michael Martin.

Despite being one of the longest-running CBI programmes in the world, it is known to evolve with the passing of time. It is to be mentioned that the Head of the Citizenship by Investment Unit of St Kitts and Nevis, Martin, has worked days and nights for the upliftment and growth of the programme. He has always focused and emphasised the demands and needs of the investors.

The Federation of St Kitts and Nevis has been providing alternative citizenship to trustworthy and credible investors since 1984, benefitting them with countless benefits and opportunities. Some of them are as mentioned below:

1) The alternative citizenship of the country opens doors for numerous business opportunities.
2) It also provides residence in a safe, secure and tranquil country.
3) The citizenship of St Kitts and Nevis can be passed to the future generation.
4) Better healthcare and education sectors of St Kitts and Nevis offers a chance to provide a modern and improved future to family and children.

In addition to this, the Head of the CIU of St Kitts and Nevis – Michael Martin, also focuses on due diligence and background checks. He highlighted that each and every application for alternative citizenship would undergo a strict and robust due diligence procedure to ensure that the citizenship is obtained only by credible investors and individuals.

How to Apply?

A potential individual can apply for alternative citizenship of the Federation by following some steps, which are:

Step 1: Choose an authorised agent
Step 2: Complete your application
Step 3: Due diligence and background checks
Step 4: Investments, under investment options – Sustainable Island State Contribution (SISC), Real Estate Investment
Step 5: Rejection or approval of citizenship