MEP Elena Kountoura speaks in annual session on tourism investments in London

SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance MEP Elena Kountoura participated as a speaker in the annual session on tourism investments, “ITIC Global Tourism Investment Summit”, in the context of the leading international tourism exhibition in London, World Travel Market – WTM 2022.

12th of November 2022

MEP Elena Kountoura speaks in annual session on tourism investments in London

Picture Courtesy: Elena Kountoura's Facebook

Europe: SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance MEP Elena Kountoura participated as a speaker in the annual session on tourism investments, “ITIC Global Tourism Investment Summit”, in the context of the leading international tourism exhibition in London, World Travel Market – WTM 2022.

It is one of the most prestigious annual tourism investment events, with the participation of ministers, representatives of policymakers, heads of organizations and leaders of the global tourism and travel industry.

The central theme of the Synod was the review of investments in tourism in the light of sustainability and resilience.

Discussions and presentations focused on the outlook in the travel and tourism sector for 2023, changes in travel and consumption habits, new trends in sustainability, as well as the need for incentives and policies to encourage new investments in the tourism sector.

The MEP was a speaker at the ‘Insight Stage’ keynote event on emerging trends in sustainability during the recovery of the tourism and travel sector on Tuesday, 8 November, at the WTM Excel exhibition centre.

The event is held in collaboration with the WTM International Tourism Exhibition by the international organization ITIC- International Tourism and Investment Conference, where the president is the Ambassador of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) and former Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization UNWTO, Dr Taleb Rifai and CEO Ibrahim Ayoub.