Jamaica government to ramp up the COVID-19 vaccination drive

The Government of Jamaica will be appointing 40 persons in 65 constituencies

3rd of September 2021

Jamaica government to ramp up the COVID-19 vaccination drive

The Government of Jamaica will be appointing 40 persons in 65 constituencies. These persons would be further helping the Government to assist them in pacing the vaccination in different communities. PM Andrew Holness stated.

PM Andrew Holness ensures that people who would get vaccinated would be employed on a temporary time with the members of parliament and the other community leaders. These persons would be directed to go to rural communities and other townships and ask them to take the vaccine.

PM Holness, on his visit to the Isaac Barrant Centre of Excellence health facility in St. Thomas, was speaking with journalists on Wednesday (September 1).

During a tour of sections of St. Thomas, the prime minister highlighted the doubt that he heard concerns from several residents, who expressed reservations about the vaccines, as well as issues regarding mobility in accessing the various vaccination sites.

PM Holness said, “There are persons who have scepticism and fears, due mainly because they do not have enough information on the vaccines. It is clear that there has to be community mobilization where leaders [at this level] interact with the people and give them information [that will bolster their] confidence.” PM Holness assured that the latest effort being started with an aim to address matters that could potentially prevent the vaccination effort

The Prime Minister suggested that he has written for help and support of the Opposition Leader, Mark Golding, asking his support and that of the persons under his leadership in the initiative.

As PM Holness visited St. Thomas for starting the decided community campaign, which is planned to incorporate parliamentarians and other members of the political directorate and lobby the leaders of various local organizations to support and participate in the initiative to bolster acceptance and take-up of COVID-19 vaccines.