Grenadian Health Ministry announces revised COVID-19 protocols for travellers

Ministry of Health of Grenada has announced the revised COVID-19 protocols for travellers entering the Caribbean nation. The new protocols were announced on April 1 and will be effective from April 4.

2nd of April 2022

Grenadian Health Ministry announces revised COVID-19 protocols for travellers

Grenada: Ministry of Health of Grenada has announced the revised COVID-19 protocols for travellers entering the Caribbean nation. The new protocols were announced on April 1, 2022 (Friday) and will be effective from April 4, 2022 (Monday).

As per the Ministry, these guidelines will make travelling to Grenada easier for travellers entering the country.

The revised guidelines issued by the Ministry are as follows:

– No COVID-19 testing is required for travellers to Grenada
– No Vaccination is required
– No Health Declaration Form required
– No quarantine on arrival is required.

Furthermore, the Health Ministry of the nation shared updates on the changes done in the General Hospital’s Pediatric Department. While outlining the changes, the Ministry said it was a major boost for the department.

As per the details by the Ministry, a total of 6 Recliners, 3 Bassinettes, and 4 Bedside tables were given by a group of volunteering American Healthcare providers associated with the Spice-isle Smiles Organization and The Heritage Foundation Grenada to the General Hospital this week.

The donation was made after Amy Wade, a co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, witnessed the need and urged to lend assistance by contacting her American friends in the Spice-isle Smiles Organization.

While presenting the aid, Dr Brian Holmes stated that the association’s prime focus is on the provision of oral health services. Still, the team was glad to help the Pediatric Department of the Hospital.

After the donation was delivered, Delma Thomas – the Minister responsible for Hospital and Community Health Services in the Ministry of Health, outlined, “I am elated”.

Thomas further stated that as Government cannot handle such financial pressure, donations like this are always a pleasure during such challenging times.

Minister Thomas further extended thanks to the donors and noted that they would make a huge difference in the delivery of services to the public.

She commended the groups, providing hands-on training to some staff members at the community and hospital levels in a project known as the Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) and Advance Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO).