Grenada welcomes tourists to attend Carriacou Maroon & String Band Music Festival; know schedule

Grenada will be hosting Carriacou Maroon and String Band Music Festival 2023 between April 28 and 30, 2023.

22nd of March 2023

Grenada welcomes tourists to attend Carriacou Maroon & String Band Music Festival; know schedule

Grenada: The upcoming month will come with a lot of excitement and joy for Grenada as the Caribbean island will be hosting Carriacou Maroon and String Band Music Festival 2023 between April 28 and 30, 2023. According to the official updates, the festival will be launched on March 31, 2023, at Main Streets, Hillsborough, in Grenada.

As per the update, during the launching ceremony, the keynote remarks will be shared by the government officials of Carriacou. It is anticipated that, like every year, the festival will be vibrant and graceful, showing the rich culture and traditions of the country and its community.

The official update has also stated that the people and travellers will be invited to the event with various cultural performances by the nationals. Additionally, the organisers have also shared the schedule of the Carriacou Maroon and String Brand Music Festival.

As per the update, on the first day, around four events are scheduled to happen, which are as follows:

Day 1: Friday, April 28 2023
6:00 am – Morning ritual/wetting of the ground/blowing shell
3:00 pm – Sharing of Saraca food
6:30 pm – Flambeau Parade/Official opening
8:00 pm – Cultural performances

The update further stated that the second day would witness two events – one in the morning and another in the eve.

Day 2: Saturday, April 29
Hillsborough Square-Strings in the City
11:00 am – Traditional wedding display live string band music Botanical Gardens – Cultural Explosion
7:30 pm – Featuring local and visiting Cultural groups

The third and final day will conclude with live band music and cultural performances.

Day 3: Sunday, April 30
Paradise Beach: Music & Culture on the beach
4:00 pm – Cultural performances and live band music