St Kitts & Nevis: Grand Carnival Parade’s last lap turns into huge success

Grand Carnival Parade Last Lap of Sugar Mas 52 held on January 2, 2024 in St Kitts and Nevis gave a successful and joyful experience to the people of the country. 

3rd of January 2024

Denzil Douglas with his daughter and niece, credits to Denzil Douglas Facebook Page

St Kitts and Nevis: Grand Carnival Parade Last Lap of Sugar Mas 52 held on January 2, 2024 in St Kitts and Nevis gave a successful and joyful experience to the people of the country. 

The residents of the country had all the fun, which can be evidently seen from the shared social media posts by various people or groups.

Interestingly, Denzil Douglas, the foreign affairs minister, shared a glimpse from the parade day 1 with his daughter and niece. Also, in the description of the photo shared, he added “daughter and niece enticing me to join them in Parade with ultra.”

Not only this, the joy of the parade was spread all around the country and is presenting the Caribbean heritage. The last lap commenced at 2 pm from various points in Basseterre. Then, it headed over to the National Museum which further had the route.

Moreover, the route was as of Up Fort Street, Left on Cayon Street and Left onto Church Street; then it was directed slightly right onto College Street. This further headed over to left to Bay Road and left onto Fort Street.

Further, considering the right turns, it moved right onto Cayon Street, then to West Independence Square Street, Bay Road and Fort Street. Similarly, the route was repeated until 9 pm. This seven-hour-long parade included complete entertainment by various bands.

The results of these have also been announced as under Mas Band of the Year, Ultra Carnival leads by securing 669 points, and the first and second runner up are Luxe Carnival and Novali Carnival with 620 and 614 points, respectively.

Next, Zus Carnival, under the Queens of the Bands obtained 646 points, whereas Ultra Carnival, under Kings of the Band, scored points were 639. And, for the Luxe Carnival Mysteria (Section of the Year), Ultra Carnival(Spirit of the Year) attained 39, 99 points orderly.

Interestingly, Luxe Carnival was named for the first Band to Launch theme under all the sections. With this, the carnival Sugar Mas 52 at St Kitts and Nevis was a huge success.