Anguilla Government outlines key points for 2023-2024 academic year

The Government of Anguilla highlighted some of the ‘back to school key points’ for the 2023-2024 academic year.

22nd of August 2023

Anguilla Government outlines key points for 2023-2024 academic year

The Valley, Anguilla: The Government of Anguilla highlighted some of the ‘back to school key points’ for the 2023-2024 academic year. As per the update, the new school year will begin on Monday, September 4, 2023.

The schedule shared by the government is as follows:

For all Secondary School Students (forms 1 to 6) the following times will apply:

7:45 AM – School starts (student registration)
2:25 PM – Classes end
2:25 PM – 3:45 PM – Co-curricular activities will be offered

The location will be the following:

– Pre-Primary and Primary should report to their respective schools.
– Forms 1 and 2 should report for classes at Campus B of the ALHCS.
– Forms 5 and 6A will commence classes at the ALHCS New Site in the Quarter.
– Forms 3 and 4 will attend classes ONLINE for the period Monday 4th September to Friday 16th September 2023. From Monday 18th September, students in the 3rd and 4th Forms will report for classes IN-PERSON at the ALHCS New Site in the Quarter.


Monday 4th September, students attending the Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) and Workshop Initiative for Support in Education (WISE) should report for IN-PERSON classes at Campus A of the ALHCS.
Monday 18th September, students attending Developing Our Vision Educationally (DOVE) and Special Education Needs (SEN) should report for IN-PERSON classes at the ALHCS New Site in the Quarter.

Transportation will be the following:

Forms 3 to 6 will have classes at the New Site in the Quarter and at Campus A. Shuttle services will be provided to move students between these two locations during the day to minimise disruption and optimise class time.