St Kitts and Nevis tops CBI Index 2024, PM Terrance Drew lauds CBI Programme

PM Terrance Drew stated that when he took over the office in 2022, he then and there made it publicized that the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme would be the most challenging issue to address.

27th of September 2024

St Kitts and Nevis tops CBI Index 2024, PM Terrance Drew lauds CBI Programme

The Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Dr Terrance Drew expressed pride and delight as St Kitts and Nevis shined for the fourth consecutive year in the CBI Index rankings, claiming first position yet again. He extended gratitude to all his cabinet colleagues, members of CIU, and every person who was involved in leading the CBI Programme of St Kitts and Nevis to greater heights.

While sharing his experience, PM Terrance Drew stated that when he took over the office in 2022, he then and there made it publicized that the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme would be the most challenging issue to address.

He added that he made his statement because of the two key reasons, which were the irregularities and mismanagement by the previous administration and leaving them with over 70% dependency on CBI. The Prime Minister asserted that the former government brutally failed to diversify their economy, leading the former administration to face several challenges because of the chaos created by them.

PM Terrance Drew shed light on the question that raised in his mind when he took over the tenure in 2022. He mentioned about the question regarding reformation of the St Kitts and Nevis CBI Programme without losing the essence and ensuring good governance and transparency. This question kept on clicking his mind to which he decided to take a positive approach and make every possible effort to yield positive results.

He noted that this action definitely required humongous amount of courage but he was guided by the belief that a principled stance would ultimately result him in giving the positive and desired result.

PM Drew further continued to say that the number 1 ranking claimed by St Kitts and Nevis CBI Programme is also an answer to the acquisitions made by the oppositions, a few days ago.

“Just a few days ago, the opposition claimed that CBI was finished—a hypocritical statement, considering their policies put our program at risk,” noted PM Terrance Drew.

He added that after the release of the CBI Index 2024, he is feeling vindicated that their reforms which introduced greater transparency and governance, have proven to be the right approach. PM Drew expressed pride while stating that they are now internationally recognized as the number one CBI Programme.

“While this is cause for celebration, our work must continue,” added PM Terrance Drew.

Notably, St Kitts and Nevis has not only claimed the first position but has also scored perfect points in the four aspects out of nine pillars, including, Mandatory Travel or Residence, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, and Certainty of Product.

Also, the other four active Programmes of Caribbean CBI also shone in the CBI rankings. As, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia and Antigua and Barbuda claimed second, third, fourth and fifth position respectively.