Dominica: DOWASCO gets 5,000 Euros from Global Water Partnership-Caribbean for training

Dominica: Dominica Water and Sewerage Company Limited (DOWASCO) has announced that it has been awarded 5,000 Euros from the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) for training and equipment to help manage water resources in Dominica.

8th of July 2022

DOWASCO gets 5,000 Euros from Global Water Partnership-Caribbean for training

Dominica: Dominica Water and Sewerage Company Limited (DOWASCO) has announced that it has been awarded 5,000 Euros from the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) for training and equipment to help manage water resources in Dominica.

The GWP-C, in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Cartagena Convention Secretariat, put out a call for concept notes for implementation of the short-term as well as small-scale projects related to Integrated Water Resources Management and Integrated Waste Water Management in the Caribbean, which are referred as IWRM and IWWM, respectively.

DOWASCO submitted a concept note based on building capacity related to IWRM, and the concept noted was approved.

The company was able to procure equipment to be used for stream gauging. The project will last five months and will also see nine members of staff trained.

Stream Gauging is important for a variety of reasons, but DOWASCO’s focus is to use this equipment to assist with keeping track of our river flows and how they vary throughout the year.

This includes predicting drought and flood periods and collecting data to assist with the placement of structures such as intakes.