Tobago to get New ANR Robinson International Airport, NIDCO approves construction

Infrastructural development in Tobago has been signaled with an approval for the construction of New ANR Robinson International Airport (ANRRIA). This approval has been received from the Corporate Communication Unit (NIDCO).

18th of April 2024

NIDCO approves construction of ANR Robinson International Airport in Tobago, credits to Facebook

Trinidad and Tobago: Infrastructural development in Tobago has been signaled with the approval for the construction of the New ANR Robinson International Airport (ANRRIA). This approval has been received from the Corporate Communication Unit (NIDCO).

Under this, the notice of grant has been given to outline planning permission to develop the land. For this, the Town and Country Planning Division stated that the plans had been forwarded to the Local Authority, the Tobago House of Assembly.

The officials have mentioned that the structural details and calculations of the proposed building are to be approved by the Division of Infrastructure, Quarries and the Environment (DIQUE). The division as well has provided approval for structural, drainage, road construction and affiliated designs and drawings.

Along with this, the provision of potable water supply and the disposal of sewage is provided so it can meet the requirements of the Water and Sewage Authority. The aspects included under the approval also include that the building should meet the requirements of the Chief Fire Officer and of occupational safety and health agencies of the Ministry of Labour.

“That the consent of the Local Authority is obtained prior to the commencement of development,” mentioned the TCPD (Town and Country Planning Division) of Trinidad and Tobago.

By such a statement, the division has cleared the intentions of the government of the country that the initiatives being taken in the country amid development is for people only. And, are not above their consent. The opinion and requirement of people is the topmost priority.

All the approvals granted as well are the part of the significant aspects that are required to meet for the better results by every way. As there have been no rejections for the development plans submitted, the decision has gazetted the closure of a public road to facilitate the construction of the facility.